
We have three ads out for new Carnegie postdoctoral research scientists.
The discussion of addressing climate challenges is never far from discussions of economic development and equity. We seek to engage in quantitative modeling and analysis that can inform decision making aimed at achieving multiple goals in a world composed of many actors, with differing goals and differing beliefs, each operating under conditions of deep uncertainty.
Analyses of the social cost of carbon indicate that climate damage might manifest itself most strongly in heat-induced mortality and damage to crop yields. We are eager to work with people who can quantitatively assess the empirical foundation for climate damage projections, and/or who can analyze the potential for adaptive responses to these climate threats.
Improved geophysical and geochemical understanding can help address climate challenges. Topic areas where improved understanding would be helpful include: aviation-induced cirrus clouds, geophysical and geochemical energy sources (e.g., winds, sun, geothermal energy, geologic H2), and solar geoengineering.
If you, or someone you know, might be interested in one of the above positions, please contact Ken Caldeira and consider formally applying.
Carnegie is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will receive consideration of employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, veteran status or any other characteristics protected by law. We are committed to building an inclusive and diverse research community and we encourage applications by members of all underrepresented groups.